Trinidad Chevron (P cambridgei)
Trinidad Chevron (P cambridgei)
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Trinidad Chevron (P cambridgei)

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The Trinidad Chevron Tarantula, scientifically known as Psalmopoeus cambridgei, is a visually stunning and highly sought-after species of tarantula native to the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Known for its vibrant colors and unique patterns, this tarantula species has captivated the interest of arachnid enthusiasts around the world. With a leg span that can reach up to 6 inches, the Trinidad Chevron Tarantula displays a combination of deep black and rich orange or reddish-brown hues. Its cephalothorax and legs are typically black, adorned with bold, chevron-shaped patterns of vibrant orange or reddish-brown, creating a striking and intricate design. These distinct markings give the tarantula its name and contribute to its allure. In terms of temperament, the Trinidad Chevron Tarantula is generally considered to be moderately defensive and skittish. It may display threat displays, such as raising its front legs or rubbing its abdomen with its hind legs, when it feels threatened. Care should be taken when handling this species, and it is generally recommended to observe and appreciate its beauty from a safe distance. In its natural habitat, this tarantula is a ground-dwelling species, creating burrows in the soil for shelter. It is primarily a nocturnal hunter, feeding on various invertebrates and small arthropods. The Trinidad Chevron Tarantula's striking coloration, intricate patterns, and relative rarity have made it a highly prized species among tarantula enthusiasts. Its captivating appearance and unique behavior make it a fascinating addition to arachnid collections and a species that garners admiration from those who encounter it.


Psalmopoeus cambridgei


Sling- Sling box or 8oz deli cup
Juvenile - 4x4x7 enclosure
Sub-Adult/Adult - 8x8x12 enclosure, 5 or 10 gallon tank
Provide them with a cork bark hide, water dish, a little sphagnum moss (optional) and straight coco fiber. However a substrate like jungle mix or creature soil which is mainly peat moss, a little soil and a small amount of sand. Coco fiber works very well and is the least expensive.

Roaches, crickets and mealworms is our recommended foods. However, superworms are also acceptable when they reach adulthood.

72-82F, heating generally isn’t a concern with this species, and they do well at room temperature.

70%-85%, slings should stay on lightly moist substrate, adults should have a water dish and a corner of their enclosure that goes through a wet/dry cycle, moistening the substrate and then leaving it alone until it dries out.

Adults can reach up to 7" diagonal leg span.

3-12 years (Males 3-4 years, with females drastically outliving them at 12+ years)

We do not recommend keeping tarantulas as they will cannibalize each other. Its best to keep tarantulas in individual enclosures.


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