The Green Bottle Blue Tarantula, also known as the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, is a beautiful and highly sought-after species of tarantula native to the forests of northern Venezuela. This species is known for its striking and vivid colors, with a metallic blue-green carapace and bright orange hairs on its legs and abdomen. The Green Bottle Blue Tarantula is a medium-sized species, with females growing up to 5 inches and males being slightly smaller at around 4 inches. They are arboreal, meaning they live in trees and other high-up locations in the wild. In captivity, it is important to provide them with a tall and spacious enclosure with plenty of climbing opportunities. One interesting feature of the Green Bottle Blue Tarantula is their ability to spin intricate and colorful webs. They use their webs to create a safe retreat and to catch prey. This species is known to be an active hunter, preying on a variety of insects and small invertebrates.
TYPE Terrestrial & Arboreal
SCIENTIFIC NAME Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
ORIGIN Northern Venezuela, Paraguana region
HABITAT Sling- Sling box or 8oz deli cup Juvenile - 12x8x8 enclosure or 2 ½ gallon or 5 gallon tank Sub-Adult/Adult - 5 to 10 gallon tank Provide them with a cork bark hide, water dish, a little sphagnum moss (optional) and straight coco fiber. However a substrate like jungle mix or creature soil which is mainly peat moss, a little soil and a small amount of sand. Coco fiber works very well and is the least expensive.
DIET Roaches, crickets and superworms is our recommended foods. However, mealworms, are also acceptable.
TEMPERATURE 70-78F, heating generally isn’t a concern with this species.
HUMIDITY 50%-60%, slings should stay on lightly moist substrate, adults should have a water dish and a corner of their enclosure that goes through a wet/dry cycle, moistening the substrate and then leaving it alone until it dries out.
ADULT SIZE Adults can reach up to 4-5" diagonal leg span.
LIFESPAN 14 Years (Males 4 years, with females drastically outliving them at 14+ years)
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR We do not recommend keeping tarantulas as they will cannibalize each other. Its best to keep tarantulas in individual enclosures.