It is a burrowing species, often sold by pet stores under the name Hysterocrates gigas. Although these tarantulas both come from Cameroon, Hysterocrates crassipes does not turn red before molting, and has an enlarged tibia on leg pair IV into adulthood, whereas H. gigas does not keep these "enlarged" (thick) tibia. Also, H. crassipes do not get as large as H. gigas.
TYPE Old World - Terrestrial
SCIENTIFIC NAME Hysterocrates crassipes
ORIGIN Cameroon, Congo, & Nigeria
HABITAT Sling- Sling box or 16oz deli cup Juvenile - 7x4x4 enclosure Sub-Adult - 9x6x6 enclosure, 2 ½ or 5 gallon tank Adult - 12x8x8 enclosure or 10 gallon tank Provide them with a cork bark hide, water dish, a little sphagnum moss (optional) and straight coco fiber. However a substrate like jungle mix or creature soil which is mainly peat moss, a little soil and a small amount of sand. Coco fiber works very well and is the least expensive.
DIET Roaches, crickets and mealworms is our recommended foods. However, superworms are also acceptable when they reach adulthood.
TEMPERATURE 75-85F, heating generally isn’t a concern with this species, and they do well at room temperature.
HUMIDITY 50%-70%, slings should stay on lightly moist substrate, adults should have a water dish and a corner of their enclosure that goes through a wet/dry cycle, moistening the substrate and then leaving it alone until it dries out.
ADULT SIZE Adults can reach up to 8" diagonal leg span.
LIFESPAN 3-12 years (Males 3-4 years, with females drastically outliving them at 12+ years)
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR We do not recommend keeping tarantulas as they will cannibalize each other. Its best to keep tarantulas in individual enclosures.