A species of scorpions belonging to the family Scorpionidae.
Reaching a length around (4–5 in). The body is shiny black with gray-green reflections. The pincers are highly developed. It feeds primarily on insects, mainly cockroaches, crickets, and mealworms. Its venom can cause very severe pain, disorders of vision, and mild numbness in the affected area, but it is not typically lethal to humans. These scorpions tend to be skittish and defensive, using their large pincers to attack, more than their tails.
SCIENTIFIC NAME Heterometrus spinifer
ORIGIN Asian tropical rainforests, from India to Indonesia.
HABITAT 2 ½ to 10-gallon tank. Substrate 3 to 4 inches soil, peat moss kept moist, and a couple of hides.
DIET Cockroaches, crickets, mealworms, superworms, and other insects.
TEMPERATURE 70-80F, heating generally isn’t a concern with this species.
HUMIDITY 75%-80%, this can be accomplished by keeping the substrate uniformly lightly moistened, this can be easily achieved by starting out with moist substrate and lightly misting the enclosure any time the top layer of substrate is observed to be dry.
ADULT SIZE They can grow to an excess of 4-5” in length, sometimes as long as 6”.
LIFESPAN 10-20 Years (Averaging at 10 years)
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR We do not recommend keeping any scorpions housed together as they can be cannibalistic.